Monday, December 05, 2005

After office hours

It is Monday... do I like it? I would say so so. Sitting in the same old chair to clear up my desks. Meeting with counterparts to find solutions or the ways mutual to the involving parties. Now, I need to pause from the business activities... just a few minutes before I conclude today's agenda.

Well what I have done today... do I contribute to make this world better? to make my family happier? to make things easier to anybody else? what I ve done to myself? I don't think I've made the best of my time today. But I settled some issues, making progress of pending matters... and learned somethings from the meeting. May not be useful today, but in the future perhaps.

Monday, did God start creating the world on Monday, or it was Sunday? The "Book" mentioned that God took a rest on Saturday... So, it should has been Sunday then the first day. Regardless, I would not think that it was the 24 hrs day. One day of 'heaven' could mean a thousand years of our reckoning. The universe was created about 15 billion years ago, and the world was 4.5 billion years ago. So, why do I care about one day, about Monday... which seems nothing compared to the age of universe. But I should and I do... because I don't have such along time to inhibite this world. And I could not predict when the time of mine would end. So, I would say that every day, every hour, every minute and every second is meaningful. Because we have a limited time and we don't have time machine to ravel back in the past...

What I have done today, I could not change it. But I would still have Tuesday (hopefully) to make correction, adjustment, improvement... whatever it called... and I should not be falling on the same mistake!

Monday, I could wait till Tuesday If I make up my mind ... said Sting.

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